TMNT Ultimates Mutagen Man Glow-In-The-Dark Review

Mutagen Man has made his second appearance in the Super7 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates 7″ action figure line. Only this time he’s an Entertainment Earth exclusive that glows in the dark. And very well, I might add.

The difference between this second Mutagen Man release and the first is a decidedly pink slipcover package and the well-advertised glow-in-the-dark (GITD) element. Its inclusion changes most of the figure’s color palette as well as many of the inclusive accessories. More on those in a bit.

Like any GITD action figure or toy you will want to charge it up under a light to get the maximum glowing effect. I did so for under five minutes and wow, Mutagen Man was glowing in broad daylight — much less a darkened room.

When properly charged up, Mutagen Man glows so well that he’s practically a beacon for the turtles to come rescue him from his doomed existence as the non-stop mutating monster requiring Retromutagen ooze to stay intact and an exo-suit to function and feed the ooze to him. He almost looks radioactive with his creepy green glow.

There are some neat GITD details upon closer inspection. Mutagen Man’s eyeballs glow brighter than the rest of his mutated form in the exo-skeleton’s body. Additionally the flexible hose, lifted straight from the Playmates figure this is based upon, glows just as strongly as the body and appendages.

The mechanical parts do not glow which adds emphasis to the glowing biological bits. The contrasting effect is quite striking, and somewhat creepy.

The rest of Mutagen Man mirrors the original release albeit with some additional GITD functionality sprinkled in. Included are a second set of closed fist hands (GITD), a green Mutagen blaster, and the following tiny accessories receiving the GITD upgrade. A second set of small accessories, on a Garbage Rack sprue, are cast in slimy green.

  • 1x Fish (Glow)
  • 1x Wrench (Glow)
  • 1x Eyeball (Glow)
  • 1x Turtle (Glow)
  • 1x Pizza (Glow)
  • 1x Apple Core (Glow)
  • 1x Bone (Glow)

Mutagen Man GITD

The GITD Mutagen Man TMNT Ultimates figure is visually different enough than the original to warrant a double-dip. The real draw is the glowing effect, and Super7 knocked this out of the park.

Super7’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates GITD Mutagen Man is now available to purchase exclusively at Entertainment Earth.

Thank you to Entertainment Earth for providing this figure to review.

TMNT Ultimates Mutagen Man Glow-In-The-Dark Review

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