Xbox One Pre-Orders Rising at Amazon, Topping PS4 as Mover and Shaker

Xbox One Pre-Orders Rising at Amazon, Topping PS4 as Mover and ShakerFor all the doom and gloom talk swirling around Microsoft’s Xbox One next generation gaming console, early adoption interest in the $499 all-in-one entertainment system seems to be picking up steam in the console war against Sony’s PlayStation 4. Retailers have offered the opportunity to pre-order an Xbox One and pre-order a PS4 for roughly a week now, and surprisingly Xbox One is the console moving up the charts at

About a day ago on Amazon’s video game bestsellers chart, sales of the Xbox One Day One edition (i.e. guaranteed to ship on the first day it’s available for release) had moved into the number one position. This wasn’t all that much of a surprise considering the PS4 Launch Day consoles sold out last week, and Amazon has since added four different PS4 Launch Day bundles in addition to the standard non-Launch Day console, fragmenting early PS4 sales between six different skus.

What is surprising are the Xbox One early sales movement over the past 24 hours. Seemingly out of nowhere the Xbox One exploded onto Amazon’s Movers and Shakers list and has run right up into the number two position. Most of the items on this list are cheaper software titles, not a $500 piece of hardware. Has something spurred Xbox One pre-orders over the past 24 hours? We simply do not know. Additionally, GAME has stated that Xbox One pre-orders are very strong in the U.K.

Amazon’s charts are by no means the definitive say, but they do offer a glimpse into how core and casual gamers alike interested in locking in a next-gen console pre-order are committing their dollars. Analyst comments still suggest PS4 is outselling Xbox One by a margin of two-to-one right now, but it could be quite some time before any definitive sales data regarding next-gen consoles is released to the public.

Pre-order a PS4 or one of four PS4 Launch Day bundles (Battlefield 4, Watch Dogs with PS4 exclusive content, Knack or Killzone Shadow Fall).

Pre-order an Xbox One Day One edition console with exclusive Day One achievement and Day One labeled controller.

What hasn’t changed is remains the go-to place to secure a guaranteed launch day PS4 or Xbox One console. The PS4 Launch Day consoles are each bundled with a game, but it’s still a great deal considering the high profile games that are offered. Most brick-and-mortar stores offering pre-orders for either console have already sold through their allotment of first day guaranteed consoles.

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