New Dexter Season 8 Trailer Finds Spoilers But No Empathy

New Dexter Season 8 Trailer Finds Spoilers But No EmpathyShowtime’s teases for the eighth and final season of Dexter were appreciated, but we have all been waiting for a proper trailer that gives us an idea of where the season is headed. To say Showtime delivered would be an understatement.

The first full-length Dexter: Season 8 dips into spoiler territory so proceed at your own risk. You have been warned.

As the trailer depicts, the events of the Season 7 finale have really gone to Deb’s head. She’s taken up the bottle, both booze and drugs. She’s having sex with seemingly random men. And she’s telling her brother that she shot the wrong person in that trailer. In other words, she’s completely out of control and unable to handle the guilt of murdering someone, a “gift” her brother possesses.

As if Deb wasn’t enough of a problem for Dexter, there’s a new neuro-psychiatrist in Miami homicide named Dr. Evelyn Vogel (Charlotte Rampling) who seems to have Dexter pegged for a killer right off the bat. Her research has determined that you can identify a killer by the lack of empathy that shows up in a brain scan. I highly doubt Dexter wants that brain scan.

If you pay attention to Dr. Vogel’s slide presentation, you will notice the empathy center was located in the rear of the brain. Earlier in the trailer, a body is found with what seems like that exact portion of the brain missing. Is Dr. Vogel somehow a serial killer herself that is obsessed with other killers? Is she an older, wiser version of Dexter? Either way, Dexter is definitely threatened by her presence.

Dexter: Season 8 commences the end when it returns several months early on June 30.

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