Star Wars: The Force Awakens C-3PO Image: Not How We Remember Him

Poor goldenrod. After two Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens trailers, Han Solo’s favorite droid to hate has yet to make a single appearance in the upcoming sequel to Return of the Jedi. We’ve seen Han, Chewie, and parts of Luke and Leia. But C-3PO is being kept conspicuously under wraps.

One of the reasons we might not have seen 3PO yet is that J.J. Abrams and The Force Awakens designers have made a modification to our favorite interpreter droid. Jedi News first leaked this Star Wars Episode 7 spoilers a few weeks ago with a grainy promotional image on various products. Now a much clearer version of the image has popped up in the wild.

The new Star Wars: The Force Awakens C-3PO image comes from Mexico where someone who spotted it on a soda can in a store snapped a pic and shared it on Twitter. Here it is:

In the image we get to see C-3PO sporting a red left arm that surely has some story behind it. Hopefully we find out what that story is. Joining 3PO are his trusty sidekick R2-D2 and newcomer BB-8, the little ball droid that has already won over the hearts of Star Wars fans the world over.

We’re still three months away from the official September 4 release date of when Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens product should flood stores. Yet somehow this albeit fairly generic can found its way to a shelf in Mexico. Hopefully it’s legit and some more merchandise will start trickling out.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens C-3PO

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