More Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars Evidence Awakens with the Force

The Force is growing stronger with the Disney Infinity franchise as more evidence has surfaced supporting the idea that Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars is in the works and will be unveiled in either April or May of next year.

Last year after the original Disney Infinity video game was released, Disney Interactive and developer Avalanche Software ran a number of polls and marketing surveys to gauge interest in what characters might appear as figures in the next game. Several of the characters available now as Disney Originals including Donald Duck, Stitch and Meridia came from those polls.

A new marketing survey post-Disney Infinity 2.0 launch has appeared that once again is asking fans for input on new characters selections that could potentially appear in next year’s game, Disney Infinity 3.0. Classic Disney options include Mulan, Cruella, Cinderella, Aurora, Violetta, Baloo, Minnie and Olaf. Tron also pops up on the list, as does Ultron, Black Suit Spider-Man and Loki, whom has already been made.

The other figure choices are the ones that raise eyebrows. We’re talking R2-D2, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and Obi-Wan (young). Not one Star Wars option, mind you, but four.

This is now the second incident of a direct reference made to Star Wars coming from an official source. The first was a wry comment made by Disney Interactive in regards to where Disney Infinity 3.0 might be headed.

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens aka Star Wars: Episode VII coming in December 2015, I am feeling more confident than every that Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars is a done deal.

Disney Infinity Star Wars Figures

Source: Everybody Plays

Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars

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